When developing a site in Django I always want to be able to see it on any one of the machines in my house. The problem with this is Django’s built in web server, although handy keeps you from broadcasting outside the computers localhost.
There is an easy solution for such a problem.
When your usually start your Django web server you type
>>python manage.py runserver
When you want to share it on your network, you are now going to type
>>python manage.py runserver
This will allow you to go to another computer on your network and type in the ip address of that computer and see your Django in action! So if you were using an unaltered Apple router you would type something like ‘http://10.0.2.X:8000’ in your browser.
Both the ip address and port number are also optional components, so if you wanted to run on a different ip specifically or a specific port just plug those into your runserver equation.